
Hollywood Celebs Gather For Sport Shooting Event

The list of celebrities attending the 2010 Hollywood Celebrity Sporting Clays Invitational on October 9 is pretty impressive. Over 40 celebrities including Eva Longoria Parker, James Woods, Joe Mantegna, Tom Selleck, Brian Austin Green and Eric Roberts have signed up to take part in the event which benefits the City of Hope Marrow Donor Program. The event is hosted by Patrick Kilpatrick of Uncommon Dialogue Films and takes place at the Triple B Shotgun Sporting Park in El Monte, California.

More than 200 international shooters will be testing their luck in the event. The City of Hope Mobile Bone Marrow Testing Unit will be on-site to test people to be part of the national registry with the ultimate goal of finding a match for a patient in need of bone marrow or stem-cell treatment.

"It's absolutely fun and challenging, a sport that anyone can enjoy," said host and Uncommon Dialogue Films CEO actor Patrick Kilpatrick. "We're doing something special ... a vivid tournament, superbly catered, combined with Hollywood gifting and unique tactical attractions."

Four-person teams will be matched with a celebrity per team and will compete against each another to achieve the highest point total. Attendees will rotate from station-to-station to shoot bio-degradable, clay saucers launched at varying speeds, angles, heights and directions. International competitors, instructors and long-time shooting actors, producers and directors will counsel and supervise those celebrities who are new to the sport.

Following the red carpet and a gourmet breakfast, celebrities will receive mandatory safety and shooting instruction with a state-of-the-art loaner shotgun for the day. Participants walk the course or travel by golf-car from station-to station. Competitors will shoot a total of 100 clays split into two parts with a break for a gourmet picnic lunch. At the end of the event everyone will gather for a casual cocktail party, awards ceremony and eclectic live auction. It costs $1,800 to register a four-person team. The cocktail party and live auction costs $150 per ticket.

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